Reunion Security

Played by Paul "PK" Kingston

Officer Boone
  • High School Reunion's can ignite all kinds of feelings and emotions from joy and euphoria which can lead to loose wallet's at the bar, to anger and frustration as you come face to face with your high school bully and think about redressing the balance.
  • The banquet hall's security deposit for this reunion event included a large amount for potential misappropriated cutlery, particularly spoons, apparently spoon rustling* is a thing now. We figured that we needed to beef up our own security to combat this viscious threat.
  • In light of these two concerns, the reunion's proceedings will be closely watched by our very own security guard.
  • He is also quite pedantic when it comes to name tags... you have been warned.

* Not to be confused with "spooning" which is also a thing but, at least according to our legal counsel, is very different.